pool with DALLAS enclosure pool with DALLAS enclosure K. family

K. family

After the family house construction was completed, Mr. K.'s wish was to have the possibility of recreation and relaxation in their home environment. "After trying a friend's pool, we decided to build our own," he explains.

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We found out about ALBIXON on the Internet. The technological wall design caught our eye.

After completing the construction of the family house, the K. Family wanted to be able to relax in the pool in their garden. Therefore, Mr. K. decided to purchase a swimming pool. Together with the custom-made DALLAS on the wall pool enclosure, the pool is also a garden design piece, and it also allows swimming pretty much all year round. And why did they choose a plastic pool? "It was the most represented, we liked it. We didn't want a foil pool, a laminate pool was more expensive and didn't have the colour we wanted," he added.


Since the garden is on a slope, Mr. K. chose the DALLAS ON THE WALL type of enclosure, which suits the irregular surrounding terrain perfectly and allows swimming even under cover. In addition, it provides enough space to sit with friends and even provides the possibility of using the pool during bad weather.


Pool maintenance is among our customers' most common concerns when purchasing a swimming pool. "Daily maintenance is very simple. The automation has a life of its own and an occasional inspection isn't difficult", explains Mr. K. Furthermore, the QBIG BENEFIT pool saves work by not having to drain it for the winter.


Mr. K. goes on to say: "We've been using the pool almost every day since the beginning of May. As soon as the water warms up to 29-30° C," thanks to the heating pump and the enclosure, they're not limited by the weather or the time of day. This extends the bathing season by several months.


Mr. K. explains that he discovered ALBIXON on the Internet. The technological wall design caught his eye, which he eventually purchased in a pool set package opposed to a classic pool shaft. Therefore, all the equipment is within reach, but simultaneously hidden so it doesn't disturb the garden area.


And what would he say to people who are just mulling over purchasing an ALBIXON pool? "You can't go wrong with ALBIXON, you just have to choose wisely, it's difficult to redo. Care and supervision during construction preparation and implementation also pay off. I definitely recommend following the instructions that ALBIXON has, in my opinion, it's extremely well worked out," adds Mr. K.

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